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Sharing my story one step at a time. Helping you step into your own.

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“My goal is to share my story, in hopes that you can relate and grow from the lessons I've learned."

Alexa Orban

My Story 

One of the biggest things I want to share with you is how your personal story can benefit your growth. How you step into the world is important. We all need a mentor when we start our journey in the professional world as an entrepreneur, businesswoman, or when we're going through a life change.  I'm here to be the support system that I wish I had.

I'm passionate about helping you or your business share your story.

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By Alexa Orban 12 Aug, 2024
Imagine stepping into someone else’s shoes for a day. How would it change your perspective? This idea isn't just a metaphor for me; it’s a daily reality. Living life with mild cerebral palsy has transformed how I view disability, accessibility, and the importance of mobility aids. There's a stigma that disability is something you can see—a visible marker that someone might need accommodations. But not all disabilities are visible. My journey with mild cerebral palsy has taught me that what you see on the surface doesn’t always tell the whole story. On the outside, I might look like I don’t need any accommodations, but the truth is, accessibility tools and mobility aids help me navigate my day-to-day life effectively and comfortably. The Impact of Accessibility: Why Mobility Aids Matter Mobility aids aren’t just tools- they help maintain independence, comfort, and confidence. When you think about accessibility, it’s not just about large-scale changes, like ramps or elevators. For many people, the smaller, personal tools can have the most significant impact. Adaptive footwear has supported my ability to stay active and mobile. It’s about more than just walking; it’s about moving through life with ease and reducing the physical impacts that can come with cerebral palsy. For such a long time I didn't want to use mobility aids. I felt like I didn't 'need' them, and I didn't want to stick out for wearing an AFO or adpative shoe. What I was holding myself back from was more comfort and less recovery. If you've been thinking of adding mobility aids into your life- I say go for it. A piece of advice that I received from an older person living with CP is that he wished he took care of his body when he was younger. My motto is to make the changes now so I can stay mobile tomorrow. People with CP use 3x to 5x more energy than people without it, and yes, that includes mental energy, as we have to think more about every move we make. -CPARF Cadense Adaptive Footwear: A Game Changer One product that has truly made a difference for me is the Cadense adaptive shoe . Designed with inclusivity in mind, Cadense shoes cater to a wide range of mobility, making them an essential part of my daily routine. Because I have drop foot on one leg, these sneakers help correct my gait and stop me from tripping multiple times a day. Cadense understands that disabilities exist on a spectrum, and their footwear reflects this understanding with features like easy entry and exit, enhanced stability, and support. If you asked me 10 years ago if I would've called an adaptive shoe stylish I would've told you 'no way!,' here I am today loving the look and fit of these shoes. You can learn more about their innovative designs and commitment to accessibility by visiting Cadense . Changing the Narrative: Disability on a Spectrum When you step into someone else’s shoes— you begin to see life through their perspective. You start to understand that disability is not a one-size-fits-all model. Disabilities exist on a spectrum, and each person's experience is unique. For me, that experience includes navigating life with cerebral palsy, and finding the right tools to help me along the way. This journey is about changing the narrative—one step at a time. It’s about recognizing that everyone’s path is different, and that’s okay. I'd like to leave you today with a message that having mobility aids or adding them to your accessiblity suite is OKAY! If it changes the quality of your life for the better, it's worth it every time. A Personal Thank You to Cadense I’m incredibly grateful to Cadense for partnering with me and supporting this piece of my story. Their commitment to accessibility and inclusivity has made an impact on my daily life, and I’m excited to continue this journey, sharing my experiences and advocating for a more inclusive world.
A photo of Alexa's desk. On the left, a bouquet of blue hydrangeas sits next to a cup of iced coffee
By Alexa Orban 31 Jul, 2024
As seen on
By Thomas Karas 12 Dec, 2022
"I didn’t know that these sneakers would forever leave a memory as I walked onto the bus for the first day of first grade. That day was the first time I knew I was different."
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