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The first step is the one that means the most.

Sharing my story one step at a time. Helping you step into your own.

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“My goal is to share my story, in hopes that you can relate and grow from the lessons I've learned."

Alexa Orban

My Story 

One of the biggest things I want to share with you is how your personal story can benefit your growth. How you step into the world is important. We all need a mentor when we start our journey in the professional world as an entrepreneur, businesswoman, or when we're going through a life change.  I'm here to be the support system that I wish I had.

I'm passionate about helping you or your business share your story.

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By Thomas Karas 12 Dec, 2022
"I didn’t know that these sneakers would forever leave a memory as I walked onto the bus for the first day of first grade. That day was the first time I knew I was different."
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